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EXCITON Co. Ltd.Design and Manufacturing of High Temperature SystemsExciton Co. Ltd. was crystallized in 1979 around a nucleation center, formed in K. N. Toosi University of Technology by Prof. F. Hossein-Babaei (PhD, DIC) and a group of his students.The preliminary goal was to provide the background RD on high temperature systems demanded by the emerging Iranian ceramics and metallurgy oriented industries.The spin-off from the university took place two years later, but the liaisons between Exciton and neighboring universities have been ever growing.Exciton was the first to mass produce the electrical laboratory furnaces in The Middle East (1981). Also, it was the first to present the locally designed and fabricated 1500 °C box furnaces to the Iranian market (1986). Many “firsts” followed. The availability of cost effective laboratory high temperature systems along with efficient after sales services were definitely among the important parameters facilitating the rapid growth of the ceramics and automotive parts manufacturing industries in Iran. Presently, Exciton has more than 6000 electrical high temperature systems in operation all over Iran. In the recent years, some of our products have been exported.A new line of electrical furnaces was developed and presented to the market in 2002. These are all SiC box and muffle electric furnaces. The entire interior of the chamber, including the radiating walls and element holders, is made of SiC. All parts are designed and made exclusively for Exciton. We are now working to introduce this unique product line to the international market.Our standard products range in chamber volume from 2 to 1000 liters, with maximum operating temperatures up to 1800ºC. Exciton also produces customized high temperature systems. Examples include a 14 meter long atmosphere controlled electric tunnel kiln for firing magnetic ceramics, and a 2 lit 2400 °C inert atmosphere laboratory furnace. Recently, we successfully designed, fabricated, and installed an accurate “solution / aging” system for aluminum alloy parts, which met the standards of the aviation industry.




  • 11th IranLabExpo

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