Desalination of non-conventional waters via self-boiling method

Desalination of non-conventional waters via self-boiling method
With attempts of an innovative company, industrial wastewater can be desalinated by a novel process. By designing and production of a water treatment system, called "desalination of non-conventional waters via self-boiling method", by an innovative company, restoration of urban and industrial water waste to industrial cycle as well as protection of water resources have been facilitated.

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News Date : 2016-12-08 Visitor : 2557

With attempts of an innovative company, industrial wastewater can be desalinated by a novel process.

By designing and production of a water treatment system, called "desalination of non-conventional waters via self-boiling method", by an innovative company, restoration of urban and industrial water waste to industrial cycle as well as protection of water resources have been facilitated.
 According to public relations center for vice-presidency for science and technology, shortage of water and water resources is the main concern threatening our future, specially the future of the industry as the biggest water consuming sector. However, several solutions have been proposed to reduce the consumption of water or improve the recycling process of industrial wastewater.

"Desalination of non-conventional waters via self-boiling method" system is one of the most effective solutions. It has been claimed by the manufacturer that the system can be used for two main purposes. The first application of the system is to desalinate urban and industrial wastewater.

According to the manufacturer, "water" is an strategic issue for all countries and incompetency in in this area seriously challenges the independency of the countries. Therefore, necessity of implementing technological solutions to protect and revival of water resources requires that traditional industrial process to be replaced by modern technological processes. Since the technology in this domain is highly strategic, it can be purchased and it needs technology indigenization and knowledge development."

Explaining that after pre-treatment and elimination of bacterial infections, wastewater becomes clear water which cannot be used in agriculture, he added, "the proposed system is capable of recycling the wastewater to water usable in household, cooling and washing applications."

Reminding the high value of treated water and prediction of separation of drinking and washing water in the sixth development plan of the country, he emphasized that the desalination system will play a more significant role in supplying washing water in the near future.

Underlying the capability of the system to supply the water needed in the industry, he also stated, "water is crucial in every industrial activity. Since, most of industrial parks are located far from urban areas or at arid and semi-arid environments, supplying water is a main concern. However, by using the desalination system, the wastewater can be easily returned to the consumption cycle."

According to him, the desalination system can provide the required industrial water at a lower cost compared to other methods such as filtering, without using toxic chemicals which is another benefit of the proposed system. The production cost is about one-fourth of that for similar foreign system. In addition, system setup and maintenance is entirely done by Iranian technicians.

The second application of the desalination system is in the ZLDs. In simple words, ZLD is a system, in which all water is converted to distilled water, sludge and salt. Traditionally, the waste of these systems, mostly in the form of sludge and salt, is buried in the desert. However, some precious substances are still available in the waste which can be extracted by the proposed system.

He also added, "although, desalination of non-conventional waters by this method is a well-known approach, but its technology is only available to some European and American countries. The main part of the system is the compressor which has been produced by a unique technology; each company has an exclusive method for manufacturing this equipment. We have managed to develop and implement a novel and innovative method for production of the desalination system."


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