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About Company

Engineering Power Co. SAINA was established in 1393 with the scientific and engineering principles and standards of the world in order to provide more technical and engineering services in the field of equipment and installation of measuring advanced optics in the science of fluid dynamic by a group of graduates from Sharif university of technology cooperation and consultation with a group of leading industrialists of the country. In the beginning, the company was focused on the development of Localization of tools and equipment. For the first time in the country, PDIA technics of measuring the size (SMD) and characteristics was localized in the spray field. The project won the first prize in research applications in 17th young Kharazmi Festival. In this design was used a pulse light source with 50 ns frequency instead of high speed camera. Other methods of measurement methods PIV, LIF and etc. that velocity, density, temperature and other characteristics of the fluid in the layout of Schlierien and shadowgraph be introduced the company's products. In total, the company is able to supply and manufacture all equipment of optical products for the domestic industry. Now combustion labs, wind tunnel testing research centers and other industrial and laboratory customers can uses the company products.





  • 8th IranLabExpo

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