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About Company

Ehsan Tech. research core has been created with collaboration of university faculties and experts in the fields of aerosol technology, biological engineering and other relevant areas of research. The majority of our products are in the various engineering and multidisciplinary fields. The main objectives for focusing on new products are proposing solutions for diseases detection and treatment and environmental health improvement. Some of the main products of Ehsan Tech. are as following:  Particle mass distribution measurement machine (Cascade Impactor): This machine is capable of measuring the mass distribution of aerosol particles in the size range of 0.4 to 10 microns. It is based on the company standard of 8 stages Anderson Cascade Impactor that measures particles based on their hydrodynamic diameter. Point velocity measurement machine: This machine is used as a portable device for temporal flow measurement. It contains portable fixture capable of measuring the flow in the depth of three meters with high accuracy.  PM10: This machine measures the particle pollutants concentration with particle size less than 10 microns and reports the data at specified intervals.  The microfabrication systems for microfluidics applications: The system is used to fabricate, study and analysis of microfluidic devices and can help make a microfabrication laboratory. Bioreactors: Bioreactors create an active biological and biomechanical environment for multiplication of various cells, microbes and bacteria. Biological and medical research centers are the main market of these devices.




  • 7th IranLabExpo

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