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About MedinaTeb Co.
MedinaTeb, was first established at 1390, as an RD Group, gathering an expert team of Neuro-technology specialists, to meet the needs in neuroscience field. Then it was registered as MedinaTeb Company, in Tehran Companies Registration Office, applying a very strong (potent) team of neuroscience and Engineering specialists.
MedinaTeb’ first step was to import neuroscience devices to evaluate the bazaar inside Iran. At the same time, the RD team was formed in the company. The RD team started to produce some laboratory samples of neuroscience devices relying on its members’ knowledge and experience and also considering other devices’ deficits and users’ needs.
With regards to the main aim of the company to produce such devices inside the country, this was chosen as the mission of MedinaTeb Co. and it’s first product was the NeuroStim2, a 2-channel transcranial Direct Current Stimulation device which went into mass production in 1394.
Now MedinaTeb is collaborating seriously with expert academics across Iran to produce different types of neuroscience devices .




  • 11th IranLabExpo

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Product List

Code Last Exhibition Grouping Product Type Name Model
28486 11th IranLabExpo rehabilitation equipments transcranial magnetic stimulation TMS MagSurvePRO-100
57813 11th IranLabExpo rehabilitation equipments rTMS magsurve-30
66856 11th IranLabExpo rehabilitation equipments neuro/biofeedback BLPro-12
39383 11th IranLabExpo Cognitive Science Equipment neurofeedback-biofeedback bioline3
39493 11th IranLabExpo Cognitive Science Equipment neurofeedback/biofeedback bioline6
39494 11th IranLabExpo Cognitive Science Equipment neurofeedback/bio bioline8