Company Info

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About Company

Ashkar Parto Puya, a knowledge-based corporation located in the Imam Khomeini science and technology park, was established on Feb 20th of 2014 with the purpose of production of science and advanced technology in fields of elemental analysis, rays’ detection and oil and minerals exploration equipment with help of knowledge, experience and creativity of a group of passionate Iranian scientists, researchers, inventors and artisans. By Allah’s grace and help and by expanding the science borders of the aforementioned fields under the ADE1TEC commercial name, and also by conversion of knowledge to technology and commercialization of our products and our business partners’ products, we are determined to be considered as the only select option among all other international brands and counterparts. Rays are our profession and their detection is our knowledge. Gamma, X, Alpha, Beta, Positron, Proton, Neutron, Heavy Ions, UV, Visible Light, IR, Lasers and etc. are our tools and all types of analysis, detection and exploration devices based on them are our products which would be in order of production according to customer’s needs and demands. We shall gradually develop our products with ceaseless efforts and after being distinguished and preferable in honorable Iran, would conquer the world with our knowledge too, God willing. In order to achieve our goals, we are using very professional and experienced staff and all of our materials, ingredients and basic tools are chosen of the best qualities and from the best producers. In addition, we have provided special and long-term warranties and after-sales services in order to achieve the complete satisfaction of our customers; such as: 2-months’ replacement warranty, guaranty of 5-year after-sales services and 5-year calibration of produced devices of this company and using very experienced staff for after-sales services. With God’s help, we hope to be successful and glorious in achieving to this goal too.





  • 6th IranLabExpo

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